Our Services

Our Services

Discover with us your optimal choice for exceptional and comprehensive medical care

Equipment, tools and medical devices in modern operating room
Equipping and operating work-site medical clinics

We simplify the health care experience at work sites and gatherings and provide health care worthy of your reputation by equipping and operating medical clinics at work sites  with the latest medical tools and supplies and through a qualified and licensed medical team

Medical coverage for events and projects

We provide emergency medical coverage for public and private events in an integrated manner to ensure the success of events and projects of all kinds, through Lazem’s qualified and licensed medical team and modern, fully equipped ambulances

Emergency medical coverage for construction sites

We study and analyze the potential risks of the project to determine emergency needs, ensure the provision of the necessary supplies to deal with emergency situations, and provide emergency medical coverage by our licensed and qualified medical team with fully equipped ambulances

Ambulance transportation for individuals

We provide ambulance transportation for appointments and visits via ambulances equipped with the latest medical technologies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary care on the way with a qualified and licensed medical team  around the clock

Contracting with health facilities for ambulance transportation

We provide contracting service with health facilities for ambulance transportation to clinics, hospitals and medical complexes with modern and fully equipped ambulances and qualified and licensed medical team for ambulance transportation.

You have an inquiry or would like to benefit from our services

Send us a message and we will contact you

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+966 9200 19 092

+966 9200 19 092
